Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research was established in 2009-10 with prime motive to provide Leadership in education and Research with focus on Engineering and Technology. SIER, a prominent Institution for education in engineering. The Institute is committed to create innovation, creativity SIER Nashik today is a prominent institution for education in engineering. The institute is committed to create an ambience for nurturing and innovation, creativity and excellence in students.
SIER is an institution that aims at the all-round student development and the staff members are hand-picked and trained to ensure that the students are given every possible support in all their endeavours, academic or otherwise. It is a multi-disciplinary institution and also ensures that students are ready to access wide range of academic material, we aim to lend a gentle guiding hand so that our students recognize their potential and grow of their own accord into stalwarts of tomorrow’s society. An alumni of SIER is sure to be knowledgeable confident and fully equipped to deal with the real world.