Civil engineering, traditionally one of the broadest of engineering disciplines, expands the limits of possibilities. It is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built infrastructure for fulfilment of basic needs of human race including Transportation, Communication, Energy production, Religious, Cultural, Sports and Community and Social and Developmental activities like bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings.
This department is the foremost in imparting Civil Engineering education in Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research since 2009. The department offers programs at an Undergraduate level with an AICTE approved intake of 27 and houses excellent laboratories, classrooms, and computing facilities for teaching and learning. Well qualified and experienced faculty is one of the salient features of the department and acute care is taken to ensure that students acquire essential engineering concepts with in-depth understanding.
Our departmental values of “Building Partnerships” links students, faculty, and industry into a team to provide quality education, and development enterprise. The Civil Engineering program provides competitive advantages and prepares student graduates for a rewarding career. The department promotes student involvement in constructive co-curricular activities like university / state-level sports, National Service Scheme, social initiative groups and others. Through continuous improvement processes, the department aims at being a pioneer at the frontier of knowledge and innovation in Civil Engineering.
In addition to it, the Civil Department is well equipped with required departmental laboratories.
To achieve best in field work & provide skill Civil Engineers with a professional mindset to the Nation.
1)To strengthen the teaching learning process for achieving quality technical education.
2)To build up platform for civil engineers to meet industry needs by providing interaction with industries & offering solution to their problems.
3)To create graduates with technical skills moral values, ethics & social responsibilities.
Graduates will be able to apply technical skills to identify, resolve problem of Civil Engineering & implement them for lifelong learning to meet specified need of society.
Graduates will be able to exhibit professionalism along with the use of modern scientific advancement for successful carrier in different sectors of Civil Engineering.
Graduates will be able to reveal ethical behaviour management & leadership qualities which will facilitate interpersonal skills & thus evolving as an entrepreneur.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1 – Engineering knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 – Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 – Design/ development of solutions
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 – Conduct investigations of complex problems:
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 – Modern tool usage:
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 – The engineer and society:
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 – Environment and sustainability:
Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 – Ethics:
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 – Individual and team work:
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
P10 – Communication:
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
P11 – Project management and finance:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
P12 – Life-long learning:
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1 –
Apply analytical thinking and engineering principles to effectively solve complex civil engineering challenges.
PSO2 –
To analyze plan, design and execute various infrastructure projects.
PSO3 –
To develop skills and utilize available local resources efficiently and simultaneously safeguard the environment & ecology.
Prof. P. L. Patil Head Of the Department | |
Email: | |
Mob.7875807756 |
Dear Students,
Welcome to the Department of Civil Engg., First I appreciate all the students who came from various geographic locations for showing their interest and admitted in the dept. of civil engineering. Civil engineering, traditionally one of the broadest of engineering disciplines, expands the limits of possibilities. It is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built infrastructure for fulfillment of basic needs of human race including Transportation, Communication, Energy production, Religious, Cultural, Sports and Community and Social and Developmental activities like bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. This department is the foremost in imparting Civil Engineering education in Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research since 2009. The department offers programs at an Undergraduate level with an AICTE approved intake of 27 and houses excellent laboratories, classrooms, and computing facilities for teaching and learning. Well qualified and experienced faculty is one of the salient features of the department and acute care is taken to ensure that students acquire essential engineering concepts with in-depth understanding. Our departmental values of “Building Partnerships” links students, faculty, and industry into a team to provide quality education, and development enterprise. The Civil Engineering program provides competitive advantages and prepares student graduates for a rewarding career. The department promotes student involvement in constructive co-curricular activities like university / state-level sports, National Service Scheme, social initiative groups and others. Through continuous improvement processes, the department aims at being a pioneer at the frontier of knowledge and innovation in Civil Engineering. In addition to it, the Civil Department is well equipped with required departmental laboratories.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Experience | Photo | Detail Profile |
Prof. P. L. Patil | Head of Department | MTech Tranportation | 4.5 Years | ![]() | Paper publication-02 FDP-04 Workshop-01 |
Prof. A. B. Jadhav | Assistant Professor | M tech Construction Management | 1.9 Years | ![]() | Paper publication-07 FDP 2 |
Prof. P. D. Dalve | Assistant Professor | MTech Tranportation | 2.5 Years | ![]() | Paper publication-02 |
Sr.No | Name of Attendee | Topic Name | Organizing Institute | Resource Person with contact no. |
1 | Prof.P.L.Patil | Sustainable Energy Management | Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Engineering management and research akurdi Pune | Mr.Amurta kulkari |
2 | Prof.P.L.Patil | Implementation of NEP 2020 Accreditation | Department of Civil engineering Guru Gobind Singh Nashik | Dr.V.M.Natraj |
3 | Prof.P.L.Patil | Soft: Computing techniques and application in water resources engineering | Department of Civil MVPS’S KBTCOE Nashik | Dr. Pranita N.Baive |
4 | Prof.P.L.Patil | Innovations in civil practices. | Department of Civil engineering MIT-WPU , Pune | Dr.Shantini Bokil |
5 | Prof.A.B.Jadhav | Artifical intelligence machine learning | AISS Institte of inforamation of technology | Mrs. S.M .Shaikh |
Sr.No. | Name Of Laboratory | Area(sq. m ) | Equipments |
1 | Auto Cad Lab | 125 sq.m | Dsktp Edu Alng Lic Sapk Olve 1y,Epson Lq 300 Dot Matrix Printer ,1 Yrs Quick Heal Internet Security,Gram++-Gis,Sap & E-Tabs,Resist,Net Protector (Npav),10 Mouse |
2 | Geotechnical Engineering Lab | 160 sq.m | Hot Air Oven,Laboratory Balance,Moisture Cane ,Asbestos Hand Gloves,Pycnometer Bottle ,Specific Gravity Bottle ,Fine Sieve Set,Laboratory Balance,Sieve Shaker,Sieve Brush,Soil Hydrometer With Jar,Liquid Limit Device Hand Operated,Plastic Limit Device,Shrinkage Limit Set With Mercurey,Cone Penetrometer,Core Cutter With Dolly, Sand Pouring Cylinder,Water Relacement Kit, Standard Sand Bag,Proctor Mould 100 Mm Dia With Rammer,Proctor Mould 150 Mm Dia With Rammer,Consolidation Apparatus ,Swell Test Apparatus,Grain Size Analysis Apparatus,Tray,Direct Shear Apparatus,Lateral Pressure Assembly,Oil / Water Constant Pressure Assembly,Triaxial Cell Accessoriesvane Shear Apparatusload Frame Testing Machine |
3 | Survey Lab/ Geology Lab | 165 sq.m | Survey Lab: Cross Staff Open With Iron Pole,Chain 20 M,Chain 30 M, Dumpy Level With Stand, Auto Level With The Aluminium Stand, Metallic Tape 30 M, Levelling Staff Aluminium 4 M, Plane Table With Accessories And Tripod,Prismatic Compass With Stand,Ranging Rod 3m,Ranging Rod 2m,Thedolite With Alum. Stand,Arrows,Ultrasonic Distance Meter,Digital Planimeter,Global Positioning System,Digital Thedolite,Total Station,Dumpy Level With Stand, Surveyors Compass,1”thedolite, 20” Thedolite,Mirror Stereoscope,Nautical Sextant, Satellite Images. Geology Lab: Streak Plates -30 Nos,Plastic Specimen Trays 170 Nos,Mohrs Scale Of Hard Ness 3set,Minerology Specimen -36 Nos, Petrology Specimen -31nos,Structural Models -45 Nos, Petrology Specimen -31 Nos,Structural Models -45 Nos. |
4 | Concrete technology Lab | 155 sq.m | Blain air Permeability Apparatus,Slump Test Apparatus, Vicat Needle Apparatus, Le-chatelier Mould apparatus, le-chatelier Flask, Fine sieve 20 cm dia Brass,90 micron sieve 20 cm Dia Brass,75 micron fine sieve 20 cm Dia Brass, Lid and Pan for 20 cm dia Sieve, Coarse Sieve -45 cm Dia GI, lid and Pan for 45 cm dia Sieve, length guage , Flakiness guage, Aggregate Impact testing Machine, compaction factor apparatus, Vee bee consistometer, Concrete test Hammer,Cube MOULD 15 CM, CUBE MOULD 7.06 CM, GUAGING TROWEL, GI TRAY 12 ”*12”, GI TRAY 18 ”*18”, GI TRAY 24”*24”, GI TRAY 1000*1000*50 MM, Hot Air Oven, beam mould, cylindrical mould, laboratory balance, concrete cube mould
5 | Transporation Lab | 160 sq.m | CBR Apparatus,Standard Penetrometer For Bitumen,Ring And Ball Apparatus,Ductility Testing Apparatus,Marshall Stability Testing Apparatus,Tar Viscometer Apparatus,Flash And Fire Point Apparatus, |
6 | Fluid mechanics Lab | 160 sq.m | Redwood Viscometer, Bernoulli’s theorem, Flow measurement Orifice and Venturimeter, Reynolds apparatus, Cylinder/ airfoil by Wind Tunnel, flow through pipes apparatus, Flow over Notches, Closed circuit meta centric height of ship setup, Electrical analogy apparatus ,Pressure measuring devices, Minor losses in pipes (expansion contraction bends and elbow valves) FRP lining unit, Closed circuit (CD CC CV) of orifice meter apparatus,Closed circuit halwshaw apparatus,Pitot Tube, |
7 | Environment Lab | 160 sq.m | Glassware and Appratus pH meter test tube,Burrete ,conical flask,funnel,flame, photometer,Beakers,Test Tubes. Chemicals EDTA Solution,Di sodium salt ,ammonia buffer solution,sodium thi sulphate,
8 | SOM Lab | 155 sq.m | Compression Testing Machine,Tile Flexural Strength Testing Machine, Tile Abrasion Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine ,Mechanical Extensometer, Bending Beam Apparatus ,Brick Testing Attachment ,Shear Test -Double Shear,Unconfined Compression Tester |

| Title of Paper
| Particulars
| Name of Journal/Publication
| Name of Author
| Volume and Issue
| Date of Publication
1 | Lower head River Turbine with flood protection
| National
| Innovative journal for Opportunities and development in sceince and technology
| Prof.P.L.Patil
| Volume 03,and Issue 05
| 27-Jun-23
2 | Experimental ivestigation on rapid oragnic composting: A case Study on kitechen waste
| International
| Journal of emerging technologies ind innovative Reserch
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 09, Issue 06
| 06-Sep-22
3 | Envirokerb Drainage System for highway
| International
| International journal of Innovative sceince and technology
| Prof.P.L.Patil
| Volume 12, Issue 06
| Jun-23
4 | Development of village in agricultural through irragation Concepts
| International
| International journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
| Prof.A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 05, Issue 08
| 22-Aug-23
5 | Investigation of embodied Engery content of materials in A building Construction Projects
| International
| Journal of emerging technologies ind innovative Reserch
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 09, Issue 06
| 27-Jun-22
6 | Implementing Project Management System in Construction Industry using Primavera software
| International
| Journal of emerging technologies ind innovative Reserch
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 09, Issue 07
| 28-Jun-22
7 | Identification of the Concerte behavrour of fly ash in Contact with Recycled Material
| International
| International journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 05, Issue 09
| 26-Sep-23
8 | Identification of water Absorption problem in AAC block during Plastering as compare to Red clay brick
| International
| International journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 05, Issue 10
| 12-Oct-23
9 | Case study on the World centre collapse building
| International
| International journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
| Prof. A.B.Jadhav
| Volume 06, Issue 02
| 27-Feb-24
10 | Analysis and design of Diagrid structural system for conventional building using ETA;S | International
| International journal of advance scientific research and engineering trends | Prof.P.D.Dalve | Volume 06,Issue 07 | 07 July 2021 |
11 | Dynamic analysis of tube in tube structuire with conventinal structutre in ETAB’S | International
| Open access International journal of science and engineering | Prof.P.D.Dalve | Volume 06,Issue 07 | 07 July 2021 |